Johnson County Land Use Plan Update
Johnson County is starting the process of updating the County’s Land Use Plan, which is intended to be a guide for future development and growth for Johnson County. The land use plan should provide a functional plan for 10 years, with an outlook out to 20 years.
Johnson County wishes to update its land use plan utilizing a planning process that is engaging, well-conceived, and professionally facilitated.
The County expects the plan to be a community-based effort emphasizing citizen involvement with representation and contribution from a variety of citizens, areas in the County, community groups and organizations, local agencies, City and County boards, commissions, and the Board of County Commissioners. The County expects the community participation process to be innovative and will consider a variety of outreach methods to reach as many citizens as possible during the planning process. This will help to create a county vision that will assist in establishing goals and objectives for the County’s future. The goal is for the land use plan to generally be completed within 9 to 12 months from the kick-off meetings.
We invite you to explore our webpage to learn more about the land use planning process and be sure to check back for new information and more community engagement as the process moves forward.
Johnson County Land Use Plan Update Process
Johnson County Land Use Plan 2005
Johnson County's current land use plan was adopted in 2005.
Phase I - Project Initiation & Research (September 2024 - November 2024)
- Develop steering committee
- Convene regular project meetings
- Review existing data and plans
- Public Event
- Compile existing land use patterns
- Prepare base maps
Phase II - Public Engagement & Visioning (October 2024 - January 2025)
- Administer community survey
- Review common vision for Johnson County
Phase III - Chapter Preparation (February 2025 - May 2025)
- Prepare Land Use Plan chapters to reflect community input from survey/outreach events
- Develop and review Future Land Use Map
- Develop and refine goals, objectives, and implementation strategies
Phase IV - Public Comment (June 2025 - August 2025)
- Conduct public meetings for review and comment on draft Land Use Plan update
- Dates of Public Meetings - TBD
Phase V - Plan Adoption (September-October 2025)
- Incorporate comments from public comment period
- Conduct public hearings before adoption by the Planning Commission and Johnson County Board of County Commissioners
Review Documents
Steering Committee Materials
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a land use plan?
- Outlines the long-term vision, goals, and policies for the development and use of land.
- Guide for decision-makers, including elected officials and planning commissions, to make informed choices about land use and development within the county.
- Serves as a blueprint for guiding future growth and development.
- Considers existing conditions, anticipated population changes, and natural resources.
- Developed through a comprehensive planning process that involves community engagement, input from stakeholders, and collaboration among various government agencies and departments.
What is a land use plan NOT?
- A zoning ordinance
- An application for incorporation or annexation
- A method for taxation
- A rule or regulation
How do I get involved?
One of the most important parts of the land use plan update is making sure the opinions of the residents and stakeholders within Johnson County are heard. The Land Use Plan update process will incorporate numerous ways for involvement. Initial outreach events will occur in late summer/early fall 2024, a survey will be conducted in fall/winter 2024-2025, and public meetings for comment on the draft will be held in summer 2025. You can always send any questions or comments to the project managers Bree Burton, or Megan Nelms, at any time during the process.
How long will the land use plan update take?
The update to the plan will take approximately 18 months. Initial research and information gathering started in August 2024 and final adoption of the plan is anticipated in October 2025. The timeline above will be updated as different phases of the project progress.